Bukan Rahsia lagi...
Was in class, caught in a flurry of speech as usual trying to convince my students when my phone started to vibrate incessantly. As the students were all busy with their group discussion, I checked the SMSes and one came from my colleague that read : "Watching CT getting hitched on TV... jangan jealous!" Well, even if I wasn't in class this morning, I doubt I would even have bothered to get up from my slumber just to get a glimpse of Siti bidding farewell to her maiden life. I knew very well I could always count on our Aunty Lilian for a better coverage. LOL
I asked my students' opinions on whether Siti had made a wise choice since we were on the 'stating opinions' part in the syllabus. I got a unanimous answer from them: NO. Not that it surprised me much. When I asked them to justify their statements, I got all sorts of retorts from them. Some really cracked me up. And boy, did that topic make them talk! And there I was thinking to myself at first our students were the more submissive lot.
Their reasons? That Siti is way too good for the (I quote my students) 'useless' man. That the marriage is part of DK's business strategy as Siti is a trophy wife. That Siti is such a SYT to be wasted on someone like DK. LOL My reply? "Have u seen the huge rock on her finger?" I'm very inclined to think that even if we had worked ourselves to the bone in a lifetime, I don't think we could afford that kind of rock. In that size, that is...
But then again, I don't really give a hoot about rocks. Nor do I give a care about getting hitched. Don't really believe in marriage either.

come on gal... food food... i want more food...! hahahahahha
ahahahaha... ontahsapo, ye la, ye la, titah Tuanku akan hamba laksanakan walaupun hamba sekarang tengah berdiet.. kehkehkeh
i didn't think it was such a good idea too for Siti...but what to do, love is blind...
that guy is a dandy...no wonder siti fell for him....
lina, takkan sebab siti u dah tak trust marriage institution kot...hm....
junita: bukan sbb siti i don't believe in marriage, tapi mmg marriage itu lebih mendatangkan masalah daripada mendatangkan ketenangan.. masa bercinta, sume harum wangi, but lepas dah kawin nanti, tau lerr... hehehe.. i've seen too many examples around me..
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