Thursday, April 20, 2006

why oh why?

I didn't think I'd have the energy to blog today after a long day at work. But as I sat slumped in front of the TV trying to amuse myself, the image of something I had caught sight of this afternoon kept flashing by before me. It left an unsettling and disturbing feeling even to be ignored and pushed to the back of my mind just like that. Maybe it is just me to allow something like this to rob me of my sleep.
I was making my way to the ATM during lunch break when a greyish looking lump caught my sight as it was just inches away from the machine. At first, I thought it was just some piece of unwanted clothing heaped on the floor like that. I nearly jumped out of my skin when i noticed that it began to stir. It took me a few seconds to register that the 'lump' was actually a dog. I was momentarily frozen, unsure if my mind did fully register the image it had just captured. For, I have never in my life until that moment, witnessed something so heartwrenching and pitiful that I had to force myself to contain the tears.
The creature I was looking at hardly had any fur left on its skin which was covered intead with a thick layer of fungus, scab and what looked like some other parasitic growth, making it look somewhat deformed. Its eyes were bloodshot red and one ear was almost severed, dangling loosely on the outermost layer of skin there. Even from a distance I could see maggots crawling in the wounds. At that instant, my mind went blank and all thoughts vanished from my mind, including my actual purpose of going there. I went numb and I had to practically drag myself back to college. My only regret was to not be able to get it any food and water. For I couldn't think then.
Maybe I will go 'visit' Scabby tomorrow. I'll bring food and water. I just hope I'll be strong. Why, oh why can't I just be like most people, devoid of all these feelings and just turn a blind eye towards animals and not even realise it? I guess that's why they can sleep soundly and I can't. I think way too much, I think.


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