Mom-daughter day out

Mom came to fetch me after work today and we headed for Gurney for yet another mother-daughter outing and the compulsory food splurge. hehehe... This time, we went to two places. Our first stop was Dome and the other one was Kim Gary. We both have the same taste in food and pretty much everything else except for colours. She likes bright, screaming-out colours (like reds, shocking pinks and the like) whereas I prefer subtle hues. While I was picking at my food, Mom jokingly said something which left me pondering. Hmmm... I couldn't help but agree with her. She told me should I choose to get married one day, choose someone who could provide for me more than she could (at least provide me with all the yummy and expensive food like Mom does) and to not settle for second best just because everyone else is doing it (get married lah!). She also told me that every parent only wants the best for their children and she could never see me suffer or compromise my own happiness for someone else's. This, I have to agree with Mom.

Eh makanan :)
You really have to take me out (date dua2 hahahaha) bila I go home lah... I tinggal my two babies at their own devices, cun tak? Heheeh
hahaha... bolehhhhhhh!!! set!
arghhhh makan lagi, end of this month aku turun SP, bleh kasi hint sket tak mana tempat makan best? yg dekat2 la...
hihihi.. ontahsapo, biasa la, nama pon orang penang.. keje makan je le.. itu yang menyeronokkan.. hihihi.. boleh aja!
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